Please note that we've decided to move our support portal to help.savignano.net to to further improve the services for our customers.
The updated version of this page can be found at https://help.savignano.net/snotify-email-encryption/logging
This page explains how to set the log level for troubleshooting any types of problems and provide us with support data
Please be aware that with the log level set to DEBUG or TRACE, some of the data written to the log file may be considered private or confidential (e.g. email addresses or even email contents).
In Jira
Set Log Level
Go to JIRA Administration > System
On the left, select Logging and profiling
Scroll down to Default loggers and click on Configure logging level for another package
As package name, enter net.savignano and select logging level DEBUG
On Linux, the log files will usually be here (but your installation may use a different location):
Jira log file:
Outgoing mail log:
Or see below how to create a support zip.
Note that this will be unset when Jira is restarted.
Rollover or Mark Logs
On the same page, there is a section Mark logs that allows you to rollover and/or mark the log file.
On test instances, we recommend to select Rollover log files before you re-run your test, to get rid of old and possibly confusing log data.
On production instances, preferably set a mark by entering a unique string into the Message field.
In Confluence
Go to Confluence Administration > General Configuration
On the left, scroll down to Logging and Profiling
At Add New Entry, set to Debug and enter net.savignano as package name
On Linux, the log files will usually be here (but your installation may use a different location):
Confluence log file:
Or see below how to create a support zip.
Note that this will be unset when Confluence is restarted.
No TRACE in Confluence
While Confluence does offer you to set the logging level to TRACE in its logging administration page, the corresponding messages are not actually written to the log file, because log level TRACE is not active by default.
If in special cases we ask you to set the logging level to TRACE, you will have to increase the logging threshold like so:
stop Confluence
edit <Confluence installation directory>/confluence/WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties
start Confluence
Rollover or Mark Logs
On the same page, there is a section Mark Logs that allows you to rollover and/or mark the log file.
On test instances, we recommend to select Log Rollover before you re-run your test, to get rid of old and possibly confusing log data.
On production instances, preferably set a mark by entering a unique string into the Optional Message field.
In Bitbucket
Set Log Level
Unfortunately, Bitbucket does not offer to configure log levels from the administration panels. However, there is an app Advanced Logging for Bitbucket from another vendor available from the Atlassian Marketplace, which adds such functionality to Bitbucket.
Using the Advanced Logging app
Once you have that app installed, it’s as simple as this:
On the Bitbucket Administration page, click Advanced Logging
At Add New Entry, enter net.savignano and select logging level DEBUG
Note that this will be unset when Bitbucket is restarted.
Without the Advanced Logging app
If you do not have that app and cannot or do not want to install it, the log level can only be adjusted by modifying the logging configuration file. On Linux, it is usually located at /opt/atlassian/bitbucket/app/WEB-INF/classes/logback-spring.xml
(or logback.xml
before Bitbucket 7.0).
Open the file in an editor, and after the last existing
<logger .. />
entry, add the following lines:
<!-- S/Notify logging -->
<logger name="net.savignano" level="DEBUG"/>
2. To activate the configuration, it is required to restart Bitbucket.
Note that you should change the log level or remove the entry after you have finished troubleshooting.
Please refer to https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucketserverkb/configure-bitbucket-server-logging-779171678.html for further details about configuring the logging in Bitbucket.
On Linux, the log files will usually be here (but your installation may use a different location):
Bitbucket log file:
Mail log:
Or see below how to create a support zip.
Rollover or Mark Logs
Unfortunately, this feature is not available in Bitbucket.
Create support zip
After having run your tests, you can provide a support zip to us which we can use as basis for problem analysis.
To do so, go to Administration > System > Troubleshooting and Support Tools. From there, select Create support zip on the top right.
We recommend that you click the button labeled Customize zip, so you can select which types of data you want to provide. Usually, it will be sufficient to select only the Jira, Confluence or Bitbucket application logs and Jira, Confluence or Bitbucket configuration. You may also want to select Limit file sizes on long running instances with large log files.
Finally, click Create zip. The support zip will be created and can be downloaded from the same page.
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The S/Notify Email Encryption apps are brought to you by savignano software solutions, a small yet savvy IT solutions company in Germany. Click here for legal information.