Test Features Under Development

Test Features Under Development

Sometimes our customers ask for new features. We are always happy to hear from you, and we are actively striving to add any useful feature to S/Notify as soon as possible.

In order to make sure that our implementation meets your requirements, we appreciate if you test our snapshot version and provide us with your feedback. By doing so, we both win. You can make sure that you really get what you need. And we are happy to deliver exactly that.


How to Install a Development Version


Please note that you should not use development versions in a production environment. They have not been fully tested yet, and therefore come without any warranty. They are not covered by our Service Level Agreement.

While that doesn’t mean that you cannot contact us for any questions you may have, you must understand that we cannot provide hotfixes or work-arounds for development versions.

The procedure is basically the same as for the release version, except that the plugin is installed from our snapshots download site rather than from the Atlassian Marketplace.

The development versions use the same license management as the release version, so from your Atlassian account, either obtain the free development license that comes with your paid license (expand S/Notify license, the click View Developer License), or simply request a free evaluation license (click New Trial License on top right).

If you run into any problems, feel free to contact us anytime through our service desk!


1: Install the Add-on GUI

  1. Go to https://download.savignano.net/snotify/jira/snapshots

  2. Copy the URL of the GUI component (net.savignano.s-notify.jira.gui-x.x.x.jar)

  3. Go to Jira Administration > Add-ons > Manage add-ons, then click Manage add-ons on the left

  4. On the right of the add-ons search field, click on Upload add-on

  5. At From this URL, paste the URL of the GUI component copied in step 2

2: Install the Mailer Library

  1. Go to https://download.savignano.net/snotify/jira/snapshots

  2. Download the mailer library component (net.savignano.s-notify.jira.mailer-x.x.x.jar)

  3. Install it in WEB-INF/lib as explained in the official documentation

  4. Restart your Jira instance


1: Install the Add-on GUI

  • Go to https://download.savignano.net/snotify/confluence/snapshots

  • Copy the URL of the GUI component (net.savignano.s-notify.confluence.gui-x.x.x.jar)

  • Go to Confluence Administration > Add-ons

  • On the right of the add-ons search field, click on Upload add-on

  • At From this URL, paste the URL of the GUI component copied in step 2

2: Install the Mailer Library


1: Install the Add-on GUI

  • Go to https://download.savignano.net/snotify/bitbucket/snapshots

  • Copy the URL of the GUI component (net.savignano.s-notify.bitbucket.gui-x.x.x.jar)

  • Go to the Bitbucket Administration page and select Manage apps

  • On the right of the add-ons search field, click on Upload add-on

  • At From this URL, paste the URL of the GUI component copied in step 2

2: Install the Mailer Library

How to Revert to the Release Version

If you want to go back to the previous version, it is usually not possible to directly downgrade the GUI app, but you can simply uninstall and re-install it in one go. The mailer component, on the other hand, can always be simply replaced, but requires a restart after that.


The S/Notify Email Encryption apps are brought to you by savignano software solutions, a small yet savvy IT solutions company in Germany. Click here for legal information.