Email signatures
All outgoing emails can now be signed for improved trust and security in both, Jira and Confluence.
For incoming emails in Jira, S/Notify can strip off the signatures, so they don’t get attached to issues over and over again.
Per-project and per-space encryption
It is now possible to switch encryption on or off separately for each Jira project or Confluence space. This feature can be allowed or disallowed globally. If allowed, Jira project or Confluence space administrators will get a new option to configure decryption for their project.
Emails that do not belong to a project or space can be handled specifically.
Email anyone
It is now possible to encrypt any outgoing email, even if there is no user account associated with the email address, provided the required S/MIME certificate or PGP key can be retrieved elsewhere.
German localization
If Jira or Confluence is set to German, then S/Notify will speak German, too.
Many additional improvements
In addition to the brand-new features, we have added a load of improvements all over S/Notify, like for example:
Support of PGP keyrings as keystores
German localization
Self-checking to verify that S/Notify has not been modified for increased security
Self-checking to verify that the mailer library version matches the Marketplace plugin
Improved check and selection of PGP key and S/MIME certificate
Improved PGP key and S/MIME certificate management in the user profile
Improved global administration user interface
Improved information in Get Started and added self-checking to warn of problems
Some more internal improvements and smaller fixes
Thanks to all who contributed their suggestions to our product!
It was a great pleasure to create this new release for such an interested and supportive audience!
Your S/Notify Team
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