Known Limitations
This page lists the currently known limitations of the app.
API Limitations
These limitations are caused by missing or limited Atlassian Cloud API functionality. This usually means that we cannot make improvements before Atlassian makes improvements to their Cloud API.
Most limitations arise from the way the app has to add the signatures. Because the Atlassian Cloud API does not offer an option to modify comments before they are stored, the app can only edit them afterwards.
Delayed update in user interface
After an agent has added a new comment, the signature is added by the app, but it is not immediately visible on the web page. This is due to the web page being refreshed only every few seconds. Sometimes the changed contents is not updated right after the refresh.
Some notifications need to be deactivated
Since the app needs to edit the comment after it has been created, two notifications would be sent out. To avoid confusion on the recipients' end, we therefore recommend to disable the notifications for new comments. Unfortunately, the Atlassian Cloud API does not allow the app to do that, so it needs to be done manually by an administrator.
App mentioned as editor
The Jira notifications include who edited the comment. When the app adds the signature, the notifications mentions the app as the editor. This can probably be changed if you have access to template editing.
Interestingly, the customer notifications work differently, and they mention the user, not the app.
No HTML signatures
Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a way to use HTML signatures within the limitations of the Atlassian Cloud API.
App Limitations
Limitations due to features that we haven't implemented yet.
We appreciate your feedback about what you need most!
User signatures only
Currently, each user must create their own signature.
We’re planning to allow for project wide signatures that would be created by the project administrator. Perhaps (= if requested), global signatures are also an option.
Template variables
We’re planning to introduce support for variable replacement, so the signatures can be created as templates that auto-adjust to the user and/or project. We're hoping to provide support for:
agent name
project name
project channel email
project channel url