S/Notify is undoubtedly the most comprehensive email encryption solution for Jira and Confluence!
S/Notify 3.4 Bring Support For LDAP Based PGP Key Servers
PGP Universal Server Support
With S/Notify 3.4, we add LDAP support to PGP key server retrieval, so key servers like Broadcom’s PGP Universal Server can be used with S/Notify.
The same applies to the compatible implementation by GnuPG for LDAP servers.
Improvements and fixes
This is a quick small feature release, so there’s only some minor improvements and fixes in addition to the LDAP support for PGP key servers.
Data Center Discounts
We are still fighting to release Confluence Data Center, but we would like to announce that we have decided to offer Data Center Discounts to those of our customers who have to switch from Server to Data Center due to Atlassian’s end of Server policy for S/Notify Jira and Confluence.
Stay tuned, we’ll be back with details soon. If you are in a hurry, please ask us via our service desk.