It's clearly time to act. But how can DNS hijacking threaten email?
How DNS hijacking works
This cannot only happen with web servers, but also with mail servers. If your mail client connects to your mail server, it will send your personal credentials to the server to authenticate and exchange your personal email with it. But if it's not the correct server but a fake server, all clients connecting to that server will inadvertently reveal the users login data to the fake server!
Not only will this expose all emails currently stored on the server, it also enables the attacker to continue to spy out your email until the password is eventually changed.
If you used email encryption, even though your email is disclosed, the contents of your emails remains locked from the attacker. Remember that email encryption is genuine end-to-end encryption which means that just access to the email messages does enable the attacker to spy out their contents. Without the private keys required to decrypt the messages, even disclosed email remains protected.
Encrypted email is in fact useless to the attacker!
Unfortunately, DNSpionage attacks are still ongoing. So, if you don't encrypt your email yet, take this as your call to action.